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Castle to Castle: A Tale of Two Disnerds - the Inspirational, International, Intersectional Disney Podcast

Welcome to Castle to Castle: a Tale of Two Disnerds!

Oct 20, 2014

This episode is doubly special - not only does Emily join Mike for a second consecutive week, but the dashing Disnerds are also joined by two Very Important People. Keston and Andrea Ott-Dahl have a daughter, Delaney, with Down's Syndrome - and they want Disney to create meaningful characters who represent Delaney,...

Oct 6, 2014

The Disnerds return in full force, and this time around with yet another special guest in tow, our great friend Ria!

We start off hearing all about Emily's recent trip to SPX and the Big Apple, which turns into a bit of a British-style weather whinge. There are Big Hero 6 trailers to dissect, as well as a certain...