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Castle to Castle: A Tale of Two Disnerds - the Inspirational, International, Intersectional Disney Podcast

Welcome to Castle to Castle: a Tale of Two Disnerds!

Jun 9, 2011

In our 20th (yes!) episode, Mike tells us a little about three seperate shows that each once played in Disney parks, with some fun audio snippets to give a taste of what the attractions were actually like. After that, we have an email and a little more fun business, and then it's goodbye to Mike, as he heads off on his grand Eurasian theme park tour. If you want to wish him bon voyage, or wish Emily bonne chance with her show production duties over the next couple of weeks, the address is - and, as always, enjoy!

Links 'n' Stuff:

The Mickey Mouse Revue in Walt Disney World (abridged)

The Mickey Mouse Revue at Tokyo Disneyland:
Part 1
Part 2

Martin's Videos - Kitchen Kabaret

Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color: The Golden Horseshoe Revue (full 10,000th performance):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4