Oct 6, 2014
The Disnerds return in full force, and this time around with yet another special guest in tow, our great friend Ria!
We start off hearing all about Emily's recent trip to SPX and the Big Apple, which turns into a bit of a British-style weather whinge. There are Big Hero 6 trailers to dissect, as well as a certain Norwegian-themed ride taking its last few guests over the falls as this gets typed. We move on to (slightly) happier stuff, as Ria tells of her favourite fairytales and Disney adaptations, and round off with a look at the upcoming and uber-relevant Into the Woods.
Oh, and you like outtakes? There's a few of those, too!
If you enjoyed the undeniably awesome dynamic of Emily, Mike and Ria, let us know! You can Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter - Ria, too! - subscribe and review through iTunes, and email us at disnerds@gmail.com - and, as always, enjoy!
Links 'n' Stuff:
Ria's awesome blog!
The Grimm's version, 'The Six Swans'
Animated Snow Queens: HBO, Russian 1957